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Term Insurance for NRI in India

Term insurance for NRI in India offers complete financial protection against life's uncertainties with flexible policy terms and coverage options tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

  • 6,272 Views | Updated on: May 08, 2024

Term insurance for NRIs (Non-resident Indians) is a life insurance plan designed specifically for their needs and circumstances. It provides financial security and protection to their families in case of their untimely demise, no matter where they reside in the world.

Key Takeaways

  • Term insurance for NRIs in India provides essential financial protection to non-resident Indians against life’s uncertainties.
  • Term insurance for NRIs offers flexible policy terms and coverage options that cater to the unique needs and circumstances of NRIs.
  • Tax benefits under Indian tax laws make term insurance for NRIs a lucrative investment option.
  • Term insurance for NRIs offers peace of mind to NRIs, knowing their families are financially protected even when living abroad.
  • Consider factors like coverage, insurance providers, policy options, premiums, etc., before selecting a term insurance for NRIs.

In the last decade, the value of a term insurance policy has risen exponentially. With the realization of life’s unpredictability, investing in long-term planning, with the help of term plans, has become more vital than ever before. The brilliance of term plans is that they do not have any geographical limitations. No matter where you are on the planet, what nation you are in, or what city you reside in, the importance of life cover remains unaffected. The provision of term insurance for NRIs is a perfect example of the fact that geographical limitations do not restrict you from enjoying the policy’s benefits.

What is Term Insurance for NRIs?

Non-resident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) can now purchase life insurance in India thanks to the Foreign Exchange Management Act. The importance of term insurance is to safeguard yourself and your family. All individuals of Indian heritage, regardless of their citizenship status in India, can buy term insurance for NRIs. With so many options, you may conduct extensive research and get your hands on the best term insurance for NRIs that meets your needs.

How do Term Insurance Plans for NRIs Work in India?

Term insurance for NRIs serves as a crucial financial tool for individuals to provide security and support to their loved ones in the event of their untimely demise. For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), term insurance plans in India offer a viable solution to ensure the financial well-being of their families back home. Let us delve into how term insurance plans for NRIs work in India and the key aspects to consider.

Policy Application and Documentation

Term insurance for NRIs can be applied through various channels, including online platforms, insurance agents, or directly through insurance companies. The application process typically involves submitting relevant documents such as identity proof, address proof, income proof, and medical history.

Premium Payment

Term insurance for NRIs has the flexibility to pay premiums for term insurance plans in foreign currency or Indian rupees, depending on their preference and convenience. Payments can be made through international wire transfers, NRE/NRO accounts, or online payment gateways. Insurance companies often offer convenient payment options tailored to the needs of NRIs, ensuring seamless premium transactions.

Coverage and Benefits

Term insurance for NRIs provides coverage for a specified term, typically ranging from 5 to 30 years, depending on the policy’s terms and conditions. In the event of the insured’s demise during the policy term, the death benefit is payable to the nominees, providing financial security to the insured’s family members in India.

Claims Process

In the unfortunate event of the insured’s demise, the nominees are required to initiate the claims process by submitting the necessary documents to the insurance company. The claims settlement process for term insurance for NRIs may involve additional verification steps to validate the policyholder’s NRI status and overseas residency. However, reputable insurance companies strive to streamline the claims process and provide timely assistance to NRIs and their beneficiaries.

Features of NRI Term Insurance Plans

NRI term insurance plans come with distinct features designed to cater to the unique requirements of NRIs. Following are the key features of NRI term insurance plans that are essential for NRIs seeking comprehensive protection for their families:

Pure Risk Cover

Unlike other life insurance plans that offer investment components, term insurance for NRIs focuses solely on providing a death benefit.

Flexible Coverage

NRIs can choose a sum assured (death benefit) based on their individual needs and financial goals. Options typically range from ₹50 lakh to ₹5 crore.

Customizable Terms

Policy terms can be chosen depending on the NRI’s current age and desired coverage period. Some term insurance for NRIs offers tenure from 6 months to 25 years.

Convenient Premium Payment

With term insurance for NRIs, they can opt for various premium payment frequencies, like annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, to suit their preferences.

Additional Riders

Riders like accidental death benefits, critical illness cover, and waiver of premium can be added to term insurance for NRIs to enhance the plan’s protection.

Policy Term According to Your Needs

Whether you require short-term protection to cover a specific financial commitment or long-term security for your family’s future, term insurance for NRIs offers customizable policy terms to suit your specific requirements.

Easy Documentation

For term insurance for NRIs, they can submit required documents such as identity proof, address proof, income proof, and medical history through online platforms or directly to insurance agents, ensuring a seamless application experience.

Benefits of Term Insurance for NRIs in India?

Term insurance for NRIs offers a number of advantages that can help the NRIs secure their future, even when they are not living in the same country they were born:

Financial Security for the Family

The death benefit provided by the term insurance plan safeguards the NRI’s family from financial hardships in their absence.

Peace of Mind

Knowing their family is financially protected allows NRIs to live and work abroad with greater peace of mind.

Tax Benefits

Premiums paid towards term insurance are eligible for tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Indian Currency Coverage

Many plans offer the option to receive the death benefit in Indian rupees, ensuring convenient access to funds for the family.

Additional Benefits of NRI Term Insurance

While term insurance provides essential coverage against the risk of premature death, NRI term insurance offers additional benefits tailored to the specific needs of NRIs. Here’s a closer look at some of the additional benefits of NRI term insurance:

Accidental Death Benefits

NRI insurance plans often include accidental death benefits, providing an additional payout to the nominees in case the insured’s demise occurs due to an accident.

Terminal Illness Benefits

Many term insurance for NRIs offer terminal illness benefits, where a lump sum amount is paid to the insured if diagnosed with a terminal illness during the policy term.

Cover Against Critical Illness

In the event of the insured being diagnosed with a critical illness covered under the term insurance for NRIs a lump sum amount is paid out to help cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and other associated expenses.

Waiver of Premiums on Disability

Some term insurance for NRIs offer a waiver of premiums on disability features, wherein future premiums are waived off if the insured becomes permanently disabled due to an accident or illness.

High Coverage at Affordable Premiums

Term insurance for NRIs offers high coverage amounts at affordable premiums, allowing NRIs to secure substantial financial protection for their families without straining their budget.

Telemedical/Video-medical Check-up

NRIs can undergo medical check-ups remotely via video conferencing or teleconsultation, eliminating the need for physical visits to healthcare facilities and ensuring timely health assessments.

Why Should NRIs Consider Buying a Term Plan from India?

While there are various avenues for investment and insurance in their country of residence, NRIs should also consider purchasing a term insurance plan from India. Investing in a term plan from India holds significant benefits for NRIs:

Familiarity with the Indian Financial System

Many NRIs are familiar with the Indian financial system and trust the stability and reliability of Indian insurance providers. They may have existing relationships with Indian insurers or agents, making it easier to navigate the process of purchasing a term plan from India.

Comprehensive Coverage

Term insurance plans offered by Indian insurers often provide comprehensive coverage at competitive premiums. NRIs can avail themselves of substantial coverage amounts to ensure that their loved ones are financially secure in their absence.

Currency Advantage

Purchasing a term plan from India allows NRIs to leverage the currency advantage. Since premiums are paid in Indian rupees, NRIs may benefit from favorable exchange rates and potentially lower premium costs compared to similar plans available in their country of residence.

Tax Benefits

Term insurance premiums paid in India are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, subject to certain conditions. NRIs can claim these deductions, thereby reducing their taxable income and optimizing their tax liabilities. Additionally, the death benefit received by the nominee under the term plan is generally tax-free in India, ensuring that the sum assured remains intact for the beneficiaries.

Ease of Management

Managing a term plan from India is often more convenient for NRIs, especially if they have financial interests or family ties in the country. They can easily communicate with the insurer, make premium payments, and update policy details online or through designated channels.

Cultural and Emotional Considerations

For many NRIs, purchasing a term plan from India holds cultural and emotional significance. It provides a tangible connection to their roots and a sense of security knowing that they are contributing to their family’s financial well-being in their homeland. Additionally, leaving behind a legacy of financial stability for their loved ones in India holds immense value for NRIs.

Documents Required to Purchase Term Insurance Plans for NRIs in India?

Having the necessary documents in order can streamline the application process and ensure a smooth purchase experience. Let’s explore the essential documents required for NRIs to purchase term insurance plans in India:

Identity Proof

NRIs need to provide valid identity proof to establish their identity. Accepted documents typically include:

  • Passport: A valid passport serves as the primary identity proof for NRIs. Ensure that the passport is current and not expired.
  • OCI/PIO Card: Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) or Person of Indian Origin (PIO) cardholders can also use their OCI/PIO card as valid identity proof.

Address Proof

Proof of address is required to verify the residential address of the NRI. Accepted documents may include:

  • Utility Bills: Recent utility bills such as electricity bills, water bills, or gas bills with the NRI’s name and address.
  • Bank Statements: Bank statements or account statements issued by a recognized financial institution showing the NRI’s residential address.
  • Rent Agreement: A rent agreement along with utility bills or rent receipts can serve as proof of address for NRIs residing in rented accommodation.

Income Proof

NRIs are required to provide income proof to assess their financial eligibility for the term insurance plan. Accepted documents may include:

  • Salary Slips: Recent salary slips or income statements from the employer indicating the NRI’s income.
  • Bank Statements: Bank statements showing regular income credits or deposits can also serve as income proof.
  • Tax Returns: Copies of tax returns filed in the country of residence, along with supporting documents, can establish the NRI’s income.

Overseas Address Proof

Since NRIs reside outside India, they also need to provide proof of their overseas address. Accepted documents may include:

  • Residence Permit: If applicable, NRIs can provide a residence permit or visa document issued by the country of residence as proof of overseas address.
  • Utility Bills: Utility bills or rental agreements from the country of residence can also serve as proof of overseas address.

Passport-size Photographs

NRIs need to provide recent passport-size photographs for identity verification and documentation purposes. Ensure that the photographs adhere to the specifications prescribed by the insurer.

Eligibility Criteria to Purchase Term Insurance for NRIs in India

For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) residing in India or abroad, purchasing term insurance in India offers an opportunity to secure financial protection for their loved ones. However, certain eligibility criteria must be met to qualify for term insurance policies as an NRI. Here’s a detailed overview of the eligibility criteria for NRIs looking to purchase term insurance in India:

Residential Status

NRIs who hold Indian citizenship or individuals of Indian origin residing outside India are eligible to purchase term insurance in India. They must provide proof of their NRI status, such as a valid passport and visa documents, during the application process.

Age Requirement

The minimum and maximum age requirements for purchasing term insurance may vary among insurance providers. Generally, individuals between the ages of 18 and 65 are eligible to apply for term insurance in India. However, some insurers may have specific age limits for NRIs, so it’s essential to verify age eligibility with the chosen insurance company.

Source of Income

NRIs must have a stable and verifiable source of income to qualify for term insurance in India. Income can be derived from employment, business ownership, investments, or any other legitimate sources. Proof of income, such as salary slips, bank statements, or income tax returns, may be required during the application process.

Medical History and Health Status

Like resident Indians, NRIs are required to disclose their medical history and undergo medical underwriting to assess their health status. Insurance companies may require NRIs to undergo medical tests, including blood tests, urine analysis, and ECG, to evaluate their health condition accurately. Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions may still be eligible for term insurance but may face higher premiums or coverage limitations.

Can NRIs Purchase Term Insurance Plans in India?

For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), the question often arises: Can NRIs purchase term insurance plans in India? The answer is a resounding yes. NRIs have the option to purchase term insurance plans in India, offering them a convenient and reliable way to safeguard their families’ financial future.

Steps to Buy Term Insurance for NRIs in India 2024?

Term insurance plans tailored for NRIs in India offer a viable solution, providing comprehensive coverage. If you are an NRI looking to purchase term insurance in India in 2024, here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process smoothly.

Step 1: Assess Your Coverage Needs

Before purchasing term insurance, assess your coverage needs based on factors such as your family’s financial obligations and future goals. Determine the coverage amount and policy term that best aligns with your family’s requirements and financial situation.

Step 2: Research Insurance Providers

Research various insurance providers offering term insurance plans for NRIs in India. Consider factors such as the insurer’s reputation, claim settlement ratio, policy features, and premium rates.

Step 3: Compare Policy Options

Compare the features and benefits of different term insurance plans offered by various insurers. Pay attention to factors such as coverage amount, policy term, premium payment options, and exclusions. Choose a policy that meets your specific needs and offers comprehensive coverage for your family.

Step 4: Gather Required Documents

Gather the necessary documents required for purchasing term insurance as an NRI. This may include proof of identity (passport), address proof (utility bills or rental agreement), income proof (bank statements or salary slips), medical reports, and proof of NRI status (overseas address proof or visa documents).

Step 5: Apply for the Policy

Once you have selected a term insurance plan and gathered the required documents, proceed to apply for the policy. You can apply online through the insurer’s website or contact an insurance agent for assistance. Fill out the application form accurately and provide all necessary information and documentation.

Step 6: Undergo Medical Examination

As part of the application process, you may be required to undergo a medical examination to assess your health status. The insurer will arrange for a medical check-up at a designated healthcare facility or arrange for a telemedical consultation, depending on the insurer’s requirements and your location.

Step 7: Pay Premium

Upon approval of your application and completion of the medical examination, proceed to pay the premium for the term insurance policy. You can make premium payments through international wire transfers, NRE/NRO accounts, online payment gateways, or other convenient channels accepted by the insurer.

Step 8: Review Policy Details

Once the premium is paid and the policy is issued, carefully review the policy documents to ensure all details are accurate and meet your expectations. Pay attention to coverage amount, policy terms and conditions, premium payment frequency, riders, exclusions, and other relevant information.

Step 9: Keep Policy Documents Secure

Keep the term insurance policy documents in a safe and accessible place. Make sure your family members are aware of the policy details and know how to access the documents in case of need. Consider storing digital copies of the documents for easy access from anywhere in the world.

Step 10: Monitor and Update as Needed

Regularly review your term insurance policy to ensure it continues to meet your evolving needs and circumstances. Stay informed about any changes in insurance regulations or tax laws that may affect your policy.

Reasons for NRIs to Buy Term Insurance from India than International Insurers?

While international insurers may seem like a convenient option for NRIs, there are compelling reasons why buying term insurance from India may be a better choice.

Understanding of the Indian Market

Insurance companies in India have a deep understanding of the local market dynamics, regulatory requirements, and cultural nuances. They tailor their products and services to cater specifically to the needs of NRIs, ensuring comprehensive coverage and hassle-free claims processing.

Familiarity with Indian Laws and Regulations

Insurance regulations and tax laws vary from country to country, and navigating these complexities can be challenging for NRIs. Insurance companies in India are well-versed with the local laws and regulations governing insurance contracts. Choosing an Indian insurer provides NRIs with tax benefits as per Indian tax laws.

Seamless Claims Processing

In the unfortunate event of the insured’s demise, the claims process should be smooth and efficient to provide timely financial assistance to the beneficiaries. Indian insurers have established claims processing mechanisms and dedicated customer support teams to handle claims promptly and professionally.

Currency Considerations

Opting for term insurance from India allows NRIs to pay premiums in Indian rupees, eliminating currency conversion hassles and potential exchange rate fluctuations. This provides stability and predictability in premium payments, making financial planning easier for NRIs.

Tailored Products for NRIs

Term insurance for NRIs is designed specifically for them, addressing their unique needs and preferences. These products may include features such as coverage during visits to India, coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, and flexible premium payment options tailored to NRIs’ financial circumstances.


Term insurance plans offered by Indian insurers often provide high coverage amounts at affordable premiums compared to international insurers. This cost-effectiveness ensures that NRIs can secure substantial financial protection for their families without overstretching their budget.

Premium Payment Method for NRI Insurance in India

As an NRI, you have several options for paying your insurance premiums in India. Here are the most common methods:

Using Indian Bank Accounts

Internet Banking: This is a convenient and widely used method. You can pay directly from your Non-Resident External (NRE) or Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account through the online banking portal of your chosen bank. Ensure your bank offers this service for the specific insurance company.

Standing Instruction: Set up a standing instruction with your bank to automatically deduct the premium amount from your NRE or NRO account at the due date. This helps avoid missed payments and ensures timely coverage.

Cheque Payment: Send a cheque drawn from your NRE, NRO, or Foreign Currency Non-Resident (FCNR) account to the insurance company. Make sure the cheque is payable at par and includes all necessary details like policy number, name, and address.

Using International Payment Methods

Credit Card: Pay directly using your international credit card. This is a quick and easy option, but be aware of potential foreign transaction charges.

SWIFT Transfer: Initiate a SWIFT transfer from your foreign bank account to the insurance company’s designated account. This method takes longer but may avoid transaction fees.

Final Thoughts

Term insurance for NRIs in India offers a range of benefits designed to provide comprehensive coverage and peace of mind to NRIs and their families. With customizable coverage options, tax benefits, expertise in the Indian market, and adherence to Indian laws, term insurance for NRIs ensures that they can provide their families with valuable financial protection and peace of mind, even from afar.

FAQs on Term Insurance For NRIs


Does the NRI need to be present in India while buying a term insurance plan?

No, NRIs do not need to be physically present in India to buy a term insurance plan. They can apply for the policy online or through authorized agents from anywhere in the world.


What are the consequences if an NRI fails to pay the term insurance premium on time?

If you fail to pay the premium for term insurance for NRIs on time, the policy may lapse, leading to loss of coverage. Some term insurance for NRIs offers a grace period during which premiums can be paid to keep the policy active. However, failure to pay premiums within the grace period may result in policy termination.


Which insurance plan company is best for NRIs in India?

The best company to buy term insurance for NRIs in India depends on individual needs, preferences, and financial goals. They should research and compare offerings from multiple insurers before making a decision.


What are the payment options for term insurance premiums for NRIs?

NRIs can pay term insurance premiums through various channels, including international wire transfers, NRE/NRO accounts, online payment gateways, or through authorized agents. Insurers typically accept payments in foreign currency or Indian rupees, providing flexibility to NRIs.


Can NRIs buy multiple term insurance plans in India?

Yes, NRIs can buy multiple-term insurance plans in India from different insurers to enhance their coverage and meet specific financial goals. However, insurers may have limitations on the total coverage amount based on the applicant’s financial profile.


What are the factors to consider before purchasing NRI term insurance plans in India?

Factors to consider before purchasing term insurance for NRIs in India include coverage amount, policy term, premium affordability, insurer’s reputation, claim settlement ratio, policy features, tax implications, and suitability of additional riders.


How Does GST Affect Term Life Insurance Plans for NRIs in India?

Term insurance for NRIs in India is subject to Goods and Services Tax (GST) at applicable rates. The GST rate may vary depending on the premium amount and insurer. NRIs should factor in GST when considering the overall cost of the term insurance plan.


Can NRI continue term insurance in India?

Yes, NRIs can continue their term insurance policies in India even if they move abroad. They need to ensure timely premium payments to keep the policy active and maintain coverage for their beneficiaries.


What are NRE and NRO accounts for Non-Resident Indians?

NRE (Non-Resident External) and NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) accounts are types of bank accounts that NRIs can open in India. NRE accounts are for repatriable income, while NRO accounts are for non-repatriable income.


What are the tax benefits for NRIs with term insurance?

Premiums of term insurance for NRIs are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Additionally, the death benefit received by the nominees is typically tax-free under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.


Is term insurance valid for NRIs?

Yes, term insurance for NRIs. They can purchase term insurance plans in India to provide financial protection to their families back home.


Are maturity benefits taxable for NRIs?

Maturity benefits from term insurance for NRIs are typically tax-free under Indian tax laws, provided certain conditions are met. However, NRIs should consult with a tax advisor to understand the tax implications based on their circumstances.


Is a medical examination required for NRIs to purchase term insurance in India?

Yes, some term insurance for NRIs requires them to undergo a medical examination as part of the application process for term insurance. The extent of the medical examination may vary depending on factors such as age, sum assured, and medical history.


As an NRI, is it possible to buy a Term Insurance plan in India?

Yes, NRIs can buy term insurance plans in India. They can apply for the policy online or through authorized agents from anywhere in the world without the need to be physically present in India.

- A Consumer Education Initiative series by Kotak Life

Amit Raje
Written By :
Amit Raje

Amit Raje is an experienced marketer who has worked in various Fintechs and leading Financial companies in India. With focused experience in Digital, Amit has pioneered multiple digital commerce in India. Now, close to two decades later, he is the vice president and head of the D2C business department. He masters the skill of strategic management, also being certified in it from IIMA. He has challenged his challenges and contributed his efforts in this journey of digital transformation.

Amit Raje
Reviewed By :
Prasad Pimple

Prasad Pimple has a decade-long experience in the Life insurance sector and as EVP, Kotak Life heads Digital Business. He is responsible for developing user friendly product journeys, creating consumer awareness and helping consumers in identifying need for life insurance solutions. He has 20+ years of experience in creating and building business verticals across Insurance, Telecom and Banking sectors

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