
Buy a Life Insurance Plan in a few clicks

Now you can buy life insurance plan online.

Kotak Fortune Maximiser

Create wealth through bonus payout from 1st policy year

Kotak Gen2Gen Protect

Insurance and Investment in one plan.

Kotak e-Term

Protect your family's financial future.

Kotak e-Invest

Insurance and Investment in one plan.

Kotak T.U.L.I.P

A plan that works like a term plan, and Earns like ULIP Plan

Kotak Assured Savings Plan

A plan that offer guaranteed returns and financial protection for your family.

Kotak Guaranteed Fortune Builder

A plan that offers guaranteed income for your future goals.

Kotak Assured Pension

A plan that offers immediate or deferred stream of income


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Grievance Redressal

Being a customer-centric organisation, we at Kotak Life Insurance listen to and respond to our customers.

You can get in touch with us through any of the following modes.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

However, if you are not satisfied with your interaction with us, please follow our grievance redressal process for a speedy resolution.

Step 1

In case you are not satisfied with the resolution or have not received any response within 14 days, you can write to our Senior Grievance Officer, Ms. Nisha Almeida. You will receive a response within 7 days.

Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company Ltd., 9th Floor, Intellion Square (Bldg No. 4), Infinity IT Park, Gen. AK Vaidya Marg, Malad East, Mumbai - 400 097

Step 2:

If you are not satisfied with the resolution at Step 1 – you can write to our Customer Care head, Ms. Kalparupa Datta. You will receive a response within 10 days.

Step 3:

If you are not satisfied with the resolution at Step 2 – you can write to our Chief Grievance Redressal Officer, Mr. Sarang Cheema. You will receive a response within 10 days.

Ombudsman & BIMA Bharosa

Complaints Policy Statement

Need help resolving policy-related disputes? You may contact any of our Grievance Officers.