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₹1 Crore Term Insurance

Having ₹1 Crore term insurance offers financial security to your family in your absence, covering expenses such as daily living costs and outstanding debts.

  • 14,697 Views | Updated on: Apr 29, 2024

When you buy term insurance, you ensure that your family gets sufficient financing if something happens to you. The way term insurance works is if you pass away unexpectedly within your policy term, your family will get a lump sum death benefit payout for all their future expenses.

Key Takeaways

  • ₹1 Crore term insurance plan is an excellent option for availing a huge sum assured in case of policyholder’s demise.
  • It comes with higher coverage that will support the beneficiaries in the absence of a policyholder.
  • One must consider their needs, age, and financial liabilities before purchasing a policy with such a higher sum.
  • Young professionals, newly married couples, and business owners can opt to buy a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan.

You might be skeptical to buy a ₹1 Crore term insurance with such a higher sum assured but think of it as an asset kept for the future. It can cover all your living expenses and other liabilities in any unfortunate case of a policyholder’s demise.

What is ₹1 Crore Term Insurance Plan?

A ₹1 Crore term insurance plan is a type of life insurance policy that provides a death benefit of ₹1 Crore to the nominee(s) in case of the insured’s demise during the policy term. The best term plan for ₹1 crore offers financial protection to the insured’s family or dependents by providing a substantial sum assured, which will help them sustain a comfortable living.

Why Buy 1 Crore Term Insurance Plan?

You should consider the best term plan for ₹1 crore for several reasons. Let us take a closer look at a few of these:

Higher Coverage At Lower Premiums

If you buy a life term insurance ₹1 crore early in life, you can get a cover for one crore at low premium rates.

Security Against Financial Liabilities

A sum secured of this size allows you to support your family even when you are not there adequately. They do not have to worry about covering their living expenses, past-due loans, or tuition.

Frees Up Earnings For Investments

When you purchase a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan, you obtain long-lasting protection for a low price. As a result, you may plan your savings and investments more effectively for wealth generation and place your money in appropriate financial instruments.

Comprehensive Coverage

You can upgrade the coverage of your ₹1 Crore term insurance plan by purchasing additional riders, such as critical sickness benefits, waiver of premium, or accidental death benefits, for ₹1 Crore term insurance plan.

How Does ₹1 Crore Term Insurance Plan Work?

A ₹1 Crore term life insurance plan provides a substantial death benefit of ₹1 Crore to your family in case of your unfortunate demise during the policy term. You choose a specific period (term) for which the policy will be active. You are required to pay a fixed amount (premium) to the insurance company throughout the policy term.

However, like whole life insurance, term plans do not offer any maturity benefit. If the policy term ends and you are alive, the ₹1 Crore term insurance will simply terminate. In an unfortunate event, if you pass away during the policy term, your beneficiary receives a lump sum payout of the sum insured, which is ₹1 crore in this case.

How to Determine the Right Coverage Amount?

₹1 Crore term insurance is a huge amount for the sum assured. If you are confused about how much amount will be enough for term insurance, you should consider the following factors:

Your Age and Income

The first step is to consider your current age and income level to assess your financial obligations and future earning potential.

Purpose of Buying Insurance

Defining the purpose of the insurance, whether it is to replace lost income, cover debts, provide for dependents, or leave a legacy.

Dependents’ Needs

Evaluate the financial needs of your dependents, including their living expenses, education costs, and any outstanding debts.

Financial Liabilities

Always consider existing financial liabilities such as loans, mortgages, and other debts that would need to be covered in your absence.

Factor in Inflation

Consider inflation to ensure that the coverage amount maintains its value over time and can sufficiently meet future expenses.

Consider Long-Term Financial Goals

Align the coverage amount with your long-term financial goals, such as retirement savings or funding children’s education.

Consult a Professional

Seek guidance from a financial advisor or expert who can provide personalized recommendations based on your circumstances and goals.

Benefits of Opting for Higher Coverage

Buying a term insurance plan with higher coverage offers a long list of benefits. To avail of these benefits, you must be aware of them. Let us take a quick look at the benefits of opting ₹1 Crore Term Insurance:

Cost-effective Option

While the premium for higher coverage may be slightly more, it often provides better value for money in terms of coverage per rupee spent, especially when considering the potential financial impact on your family’s future.

Fixed Premiums

Many policies offer fixed premiums throughout the policy term, which means you won’t have to worry about increased costs even if your health deteriorates or as you age.

Extensive Cover

Higher coverage ensures your loved ones are adequately protected against various financial uncertainties, including outstanding debts, future expenses, and providing for their lifestyle.

Additional Riders

With higher coverage, insurers often offer additional riders such as critical illness, accidental death, or waiver of premium, providing more comprehensive protection tailored to your specific needs, albeit at an additional cost.

Sum Assured Options for Term Insurance Plans

Term insurance plans typically offer a range of sum-assured options, which can vary depending on the insurer and the specific plan. Common sum assured options for term insurance plans may include:

Fixed Sum Assured

With a fixed sum assured, you receive a predetermined amount of coverage that remains constant throughout the policy term.

Increasing Sum Assured

The sum assured gradually increases over time if you opt for this option, either at a fixed rate or linked to inflation, to account for rising financial needs and expenses.

Decreasing Sum Assured

When you opt for decreasing sum assured, you can cover specific liabilities like loans or mortgages, where the sum assured decreases over time in line with the reducing outstanding balance of the loan.

Level Sum Assured with Return of Premium

Some plans offer a level sum assured where, if the policyholder survives the policy term, the premiums paid are returned, providing a form of savings along with protection.

Customizable Sum Assured

Certain insurers allow policyholders to choose a sum assured based on their individual financial needs and obligations, providing flexibility to tailor the coverage amount accordingly.

Key Considerations When Purchasing a ₹1 Crore Term Insurance Plan

You can make an informed decision and select a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan by considering the following factors:

Assess Claim Settlement Ratio

The Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR) indicates the percentage of claims settled by an insurance company against the total number of claims received. It’s a vital metric to consider when buying term insurance. Opt for an insurer with a high CSR, ensuring a smooth settlement process for your nominee in case of an unfortunate event.

Evaluate Solvency Ratio

The solvency ratio is a measure of an insurance company’s ability to meet its debt obligations. It is the ratio of an insurer’s available capital to its liabilities. A higher solvency ratio indicates a healthier financial position. Always choose an insurance provider with a solvency ratio significantly above the regulatory requirements.

Review Critical Illness Benefits

Many term insurance plans offer additional critical illness benefits, which cover life-threatening diseases like cancer, heart attack, etc. Evaluate the critical illness benefits offered by different insurers to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Examine Premium Amounts

Premium amounts can vary significantly among insurers. While seeking affordable premiums is reasonable, ensure that the coverage provided justifies the premium paid. Compare premiums from various insurance companies and choose one that offers the best value for your money.

Understand Policy Exclusions

Every insurance policy has exclusions detailing the circumstances under which the policy will not pay out. Understanding these exclusions is crucial to avoid future misunderstandings. Be clear on what is and is not covered by reading the policy document carefully.

Explore Add-On Riders

Add-on riders provide additional coverage and customization options. Some of the common riders such as accidental waiver of premium, and income benefits can be useful for policyholders. Choose riders that align with your specific needs to enhance the overall coverage of your policy.

Decide on Policy Tenure

The policy tenure or the term of the insurance is an essential consideration. It should cover your financial obligations and ensure your dependents’ financial security adequately. Choose a tenure that covers your working years and your dependents until they are financially independent.

Utilize Enhanced and Flexible Features

Many term insurance plans now offer enhanced and flexible features, such as increasing the cover with significant life events like marriage or childbirth. Choose a plan that allows you to adjust your coverage as your life stage changes.

Simplify Claims Process

A simplified and hassle-free claims process is essential during challenging times. Choose an insurance provider with a straightforward and efficient claims process. Online claim intimation and minimal documentation can make the process less stressful for your nominee.

Who Should Opt for ₹1 Crore Term Insurance Plan?

There is no set process for acquiring a term insurance plan with a ₹1 Crore cover. However, if you belong to one of the following categories, you may want to give it some thought:

Sole Breadwinner in a Family

Those responsible for their family’s financial well-being should consider a ₹1 Crore term plan to ensure their dependents are adequately protected in the event of their demise.

Young Parents

Young parents with dependent children may opt for this coverage to secure their children’s future financial needs, including education and living expenses.

Newly Married Couples

Couples starting their journey together can protect each other financially with a ₹1 Crore term plan, providing financial stability and security in case of unforeseen events.

Individuals with Home Loans and Debt

Individuals with significant financial liabilities such as home loans or other debts can use a ₹1 Crore term plan to ensure their liabilities are covered in case of their untimely death.

Individuals with Education Loans

Those with education loans or planning to take on such loans can safeguard their family from the burden of repayment by opting for adequate term insurance coverage.

Business Owners

Business owners can secure their businesses and provide financial protection to their families by opting for a ₹1 Crore term plan, ensuring business continuity and family financial security in their absence.

How to Choose the Best Term Insurance Plan for ₹1 Crore?

By considering various factors, you can select the best term insurance plan for ₹1 Crore that meets your financial needs:

Evaluate Your Financial Needs and Requirements

Assess your financial obligations, future goals, and dependents’ needs to determine the appropriate coverage amount.

Compare ₹1 Crore Term Insurance Plan Options Online

Research and compare term insurance plans from different insurers online, considering factors such as coverage features, claim settlement ratio, and customer reviews.

Consider Inflation and Cost of Living Factors

Account for inflation and the increasing cost of living when selecting the coverage amount to ensure it remains adequate over the policy term.

Analyze and Compare Premium Rates for ₹1 Crore Life Insurance

Compare premium rates among various insurers for the desired coverage amount, ensuring affordability without compromising coverage quality.

Calculate the Premium for ₹1 Crore Term Insurance

Utilize online premium calculators or consult with insurance agents to calculate the premium amount based on factors like age, health status, and policy duration for your ₹1 cr term plan.

Explore Additional Benefits

Look for term insurance plans offering additional benefits such as critical illness coverage, accidental death benefit, or waiver of premium, enhancing the overall protection offered by the plan.

Steps To Buy 1 Crore Term Insurance Plan from Kotak Life?

By following certain steps, you can easily purchase the ₹1 Crore term insurance plan from Kotak Life, ensuring the financial security of your loved ones. Here are the steps To Buy ₹1 Crore Term Insurance Plan:

  • Research: Before you begin, research the Kotak Life 1 Crore Term Insurance Plan to understand its features, benefits, and premiums.
  • Visit the Kotak Life Website: Go to the Kotak Life website or visit a nearby branch for more information.
  • Select the Plan: you must select the policy you want to buy. In this case, choose the 1 Crore term insurance plan.
  • Enter Personal Information: Keep your details ready as you have to fill out the policy form. Now fill out the application form with accurate personal information.
  • Choose Coverage: In this case, you have to select the coverage amount (1 Crore) and the policy term.
  • Premium Calculation: Calculate the premium amount based on your age, policy term, and other factors. This will help you know how much coverage you are getting.
  • Provide Health Details: it is important to answer health-related questions honestly. This will affect your premium and coverage.
  • Customization: With Kotak Life, you can customize your policy according to your requirements.
  • Review: it is crucial to review the terms and conditions, coverage, and other policy details thoroughly before making any decision.
  • Submission of Documents: After final reviewing, submit the required documents online or physically to the Kotak Life office, as per your convinience.
  • Medical Examination: you have to undergo a medical examination if required. The insurance company may arrange for a medical examination at your convenience.
  • Policy Issuance: After the payment and verification of documents, the policy will be issued to you.
  • Follow-up: To know how your plan is proceeding, you should follow up regularly. This is to ensure the policy is active and the premium payments are up to date.

How to Calculate Whether ₹1 Crore Is Enough Coverage for You?

One can easily calculate how much term insurance is enough for their family in the future. Basically, the term insurance cover required should be the present value of all future goals and expenses after subtracting the accumulated wealth and assets.

Let us look at this via an example. Let us assume you’re planning to purchase term insurance, and currently, your monthly expenses are ₹40,000. Annually, your expenses would then be ₹4.8 lakh. As per the expert’s recommendation, one should have a life insurance cover of at least ₹10 times their yearly expense. So, in this case, your term insurance must be at least ₹48 lakh.

Consider the other expenses. Suppose you have an existing car and home loan with an outstanding balance of ₹55 lakh. Additionally, you want to keep at least ₹20 lakh for your children’s education. Finally, you want an additional ₹80 lakh as retirement corpus for your spouse.

Adding all of the above, the total comes down to approximately ₹2 crores. So this must be the total amount your family would need. But you may also have some accumulated wealth or assets, so you must subtract those from this amount. Let us assume you have ₹20 lakhs in various investments that can be readily accessed. So, after reducing this amount, your total insurance requirement would be ₹1.8 crores.


If you had purchased a policy without the necessary calculations, your family might have faced financial troubles in the future. Hence, do not use an arbitrary number like ₹1 Crore for your term insurance. Carefully consider the financial requirements in the future and come up with an amount.

FAQs on ₹1 Crore Term Insurance Plan


What are the eligibility criteria for buying a ₹1 Crore term insurance?

Eligibility criteria typically include age, health status, and income proof. Insurers may require applicants to be within a certain age range and in good health to qualify for a ₹1 Crore term insurance.


What is the right age to buy the best term insurance plan for ₹1 Crore?

The best age to buy a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan is typically in your early 30s when premiums are relatively lower, and you have dependents to protect financially.


Which is more suitable, an endowment plan or a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan?

A ₹1 Crore term insurance plan is more suitable for pure protection needs, offering a higher coverage amount compared to an endowment plan, which combines insurance with savings.


What is the premium amount for ₹1 Crore Term Insurance?

Premium amounts for a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan can vary based on factors like age, health, lifestyle, and coverage duration, typically ranging from a few thousand to several tens of thousands annually.


How to calculate the premium amount of the ₹1 Crore term plan?

The premium calculation for ₹1 Crore term insurance plan involves factors like age, health, lifestyle, coverage duration, and sum assured. Insurers provide online calculators, or agents can assist in determining the premium amount.


How do I buy a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan online?

You can buy a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan online by visiting the websites of insurance companies offering such plans, filling out the necessary details, and completing the application process.


What are the benefits of buying a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan in India?

Benefits of a ₹1 Crore term insurance plan in India include financial security for your family in case of your untimely demise, tax benefits on premiums paid under Section 80C, and customizable coverage options.


What are the riders benefits available on a 1 Cr term insurance plan?

Rider benefits such as accidental death benefit, critical illness rider, waiver of premium rider, and income benefit rider are available on many ₹1 Crore term insurance plans, offering additional protection at an extra cost.


Which ₹1 Crore term policy is best?

The best ₹1 Crore term policy varies depending on individual needs, preferences, and budget. It is advisable to compare features, benefits, and premiums offered by different insurers before making a decision.


How much income is required for ₹1 Crore term insurance?

The income required for a ₹1 Crore term insurance policy depends on factors like age, lifestyle, financial responsibilities, and existing savings. Typically, it is recommended to have an income that can comfortably afford the premium payments without strain on your finances.

- A Consumer Education Initiative series by Kotak Life

Amit Raje
Written By :
Amit Raje

Amit Raje is an experienced marketer who has worked in various Fintechs and leading Financial companies in India. With focused experience in Digital, Amit has pioneered multiple digital commerce in India. Now, close to two decades later, he is the vice president and head of the D2C business department. He masters the skill of strategic management, also being certified in it from IIMA. He has challenged his challenges and contributed his efforts in this journey of digital transformation.

Amit Raje
Reviewed By :
Prasad Pimple

Prasad Pimple has a decade-long experience in the Life insurance sector and as EVP, Kotak Life heads Digital Business. He is responsible for developing user friendly product journeys, creating consumer awareness and helping consumers in identifying need for life insurance solutions. He has 20+ years of experience in creating and building business verticals across Insurance, Telecom and Banking sectors

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