Buy a Life Insurance Plan in a few clicks
Create wealth through bonus payout from 1st policy year
Insurance and Investment in one plan.
Protect your family's financial future.
Insurance and Investment in one plan.
A plan that works like a term plan, and Earns like ULIP Plan
A plan that offer guaranteed returns and financial protection for your family.
Kotak Guaranteed Fortune Builder
A plan that offers guaranteed income for your future goals.
A plan that offers immediate or deferred stream of income
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Group Term Plans reflect the team spirit practiced in your organisation on a daily basis. It empowers your team members to protect their loved ones in their absence as well. With Group Term plans, you can enjoy:
Better team spirit
Stronger bonding with the organisation
Content team
Respect from your team
Browse through the following plans to know more
Non-Participating Life One Year Renewable Group Pure Risk Insurance Product
Kotak Raksha Group Micro Insurance Plan is a protection oriented plan that aims to cover the socially and economically weaker sections of the society.
Kotak Term Group Plan provides life cover to the member, by paying a lump sum benefit to the beneficiary in case of an unfortunate event.
Kotak Group Secure One provides a comprehensive protection solution to enable your team members to protect their loved ones in the unfortunate event of their death or terminal illness.
Mail your queries to us and we will answer them at the earliest.