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Insurance and Investment in one plan.
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Insurance and Investment in one plan.
A plan that works like a term plan, and Earns like ULIP Plan
A plan that offer guaranteed returns and financial protection for your family.
Kotak Guaranteed Fortune Builder
A plan that offers guaranteed income for your future goals.
A plan that offers immediate or deferred stream of income
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As per IRDAI Circular CIR. No.21/IRDA/ACTL/ULIP/OCT 08 dated 27th Oct 2008, Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company Limited has raised the ceiling for investing in money market instruments to 100% in Kotak Guaranteed Growth, Kotak Pension Growth, Kotak Guaranteed Balanced and Kotak Pension Balanced Funds. As a result, the equity holding(s) in these funds may be reduced to 0 %.The revision will provide flexibility to Fund Managers to manage the funds better in times of market volatility.
As per the Guidelines and subsequent Corrigendum issued by IRDAI on 17th August, 2011, the formula for calculation of the NAV has changed with effect from 24th August, 2011. The NAV is now calculated as follows :
Net Asset Value (NAV) = (Market Value of investment(s) held by the fund + Value of Current Assets + Any accrued income net of fund management charges & Goods and Services tax thereon - value of Current Liabilities - Provisions). This gives the net asset value of the fund. Dividing by the number of units existing at the valuation date (before any new units are allocated), gives the unit price of the fund under consideration.
Change in Valuation of Equity
Presently, in respect of Unit Linked Funds, Valuation of Equity is carried out at lower of the closing price on NSE and BSE for the purpose of computation of daily NAV.
IRDAI vide its circular Ref. IRDA / F&I/INV/CIR/213/10/2013 dated October 30, 2013, stipulated that the Investment Committee of the Insurer shall select from NSE and BSE as Primary and Secondary Exchange and the valuation of equity shares shall be made on the closing price of the Primary Exchange selected. If such security is not listed / not traded on the Primary Exchange, Insurer shall use the closing price of the Secondary Exchange. The selection of the Primary and Secondary Exchange shall be followed consistently. Further, the Insurer shall implement the above, within 30 days of issuance of the circular.
In compliance of the aforesaid circular, the Investment Committee of the Company selected NSE as a Primary Exchange and BSE as a Secondary Exchange.
Accordingly, the closing price of the security on NSE would be considered for valuation of Equity and in case, the security is not listed / not traded on NSE, the closing price on BSE shall be considered for computation of daily NAV ULIP Funds.
The aforesaid change would be made effective from November 28, 2013 onwards.