
Buy a Life Insurance Plan in a few clicks

Now you can buy life insurance plan online.

Kotak e-Invest

Insurance and Investment in one plan.

Kotak e-Term

Protect your family's financial future.

Kotak Guaranteed Fortune Builder

A plan that offers guaranteed income for your future goals.

Kotak T.U.L.I.P

A plan that works like a term plan, and Earns like ULIP Plan.

Kotak Assured Savings Plan

A plan that offer guaranteed returns and financial protection for your family.

Kotak Assured Pension

A plan that offers immediate or deferred stream of income

Kotak Lifetime Income Plan

Retirement years are the golden years of life.

Kotak Guaranteed Savings Plan

A plan that offers long term savings and life cover.


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Seizing the Opportunity

“People regret not achieving enough success in life, they should regret missing many opportunities.”

  • Amit Kalantri

In a quaint and charming neighbourhood, there resided a young boy named Aryan. Addressing from a modest middle-class background, he was a shining example of diligence and intelligence. His family was renowned throughout the community for their wise financial habits, always managing to strike a balance between economizing and embracing joy. While Aryan personified this spirit beautifully, excelling in his academics, he was also highly aware of the importance of managing expenses.

His family had cultivated a lifestyle that prioritized resourcefulness and mindful spending, in the art of developing satisfaction from simple pleasures and making well-considered choices. In their household every purchase was weighed against its necessity and utility, making sure that their financial resources were channelled into opportunities that truly enriched their lives.

One significant day, as Aryan engaged in a lively conversation with his group of friends, he stumbled upon a vision that held the promise of redesigning his future. The topic was of a prestigious foreign university, renowned for its academic excellence, and the entrance examination it was offering. The twist that made this opportunity particularly tempting was the university’s pledge to grant an extensive 60% scholarship to the select few, who succeeded in the examination. This revelation ignited a spark within Aryan, capturing his imagination and sparking his aspirations.

Undeterred by the potential challenges, he made a resolute decision to throw his hat in the ring. He recognized the level of the undertaking but was not one to shy away from hard work and determination. With firm dedication, he embarked on a journey of demanding preparation, one that involved burning the midnight oil and embracing the support of his study sessions.

Aryan’s life had seamlessly woven together his determined academic hunt with his family’s financial wisdom. His days were a balancing act, where preparation for the awaiting examination existed harmoniously with his endeavours to secure the best possible deals in his day-to-day life. It was a dance of discipline and aspiration, where each step forward in his studies was mirrored by a step towards mastering the art of frugality.

In this heart-warming story of Aryan, we find a young boy who represents the values of diligence, ambition, and resourcefulness. His narrative underscores the beauty of a life where academic dreams and financial practicality need not be at probabilities. Instead, they can complement each other, creating an essence of purposeful living that is both enriching and inspiring to all who have the privilege of witnessing it.

Kotak Guaranteed Fortune Builder

Pay 10,000/month for 10 years, Get 1,65,805/Year* for next 15 years.

  • Guaranteed@ Income Benefit for upto 25 years
  • Flexibility to choose income period
  • Premium break for females on child birth or any listed specific illnesses
  • Life cover for the premium payment period
  • Enhance your life cover with rider offerings
  • Free Medical Check Up every 5th year**

ARN. No. KLI/23-24/E-BB/1201