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Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is essential for anyone concerned about financial stability in the face of illness or injury.

  • 3,144 Views | Updated on: Jul 02, 2024

Life insurance is a huge financial net for the individuals and their families. It provides a vital safety net, and ensures you can meet your expenses during periods in your absence.

Disability insurance is a crucial financial tool designed to protect your income if an illness or injury prevents you from working. Acting as a financial safety net, it ensures that you can manage your expenses and maintain your lifestyle during periods of disability. Understanding how insurance for disability works, the types available, and the eligibility criteria can help you make an informed decision to secure your financial future.

What is Disability Insurance?

Disability insurance is a type of insurance that safeguards your income if you become unable to work due to illness or injury. It acts as a financial safety net, replacing a portion of your salary and helping you manage expenses during a period of disability.

How Disability Insurance Works?

Disability insurance is a financial safety net if illness or injury prevents you from working. You pay regular premiums, and if you meet the policy’s definition of disability (usually an inability to perform your own occupation or any occupation), you will start receiving a portion of your income (typically 60-80%) after a waiting period. This benefit helps cover your bills and expenses while you cannot work. The policy might also waive your future premiums and offer benefits for specific situations like accidental disability. Remember, specific details vary by plan, so carefully review the coverage terms before purchasing.

Disability Insurance Types

Based on the duration of any disability affects your source of income; there are two main types of disability insurance: short-term and long-term disability insurance. Let us take a quick look at them:

Short-term/ Temporary Disability

Temporary disability is part of term insurance with accidental disability riders. Temporary or short-term disability refers to impairments that have occurred from birth or that have arisen as a result of an accident or illness. An average wait period for short-term insurance coverage might run from zero to fourteen days. Short-term disability insurance coverage is only available for a maximum term of two years.

Long-term/ Permanent Disability

Permanent disability, too, is a part of total permanent disability rider in term insurance. It protects you against financial hardships from accidents or serious diseases causing irreparable permanent damage that force you to leave your job. It includes various illnesses, such as psychiatric conditions, cardiac problems, cancerous cell rips, and other related conditions. It is a form of insurance coverage with a grace period lasting from weeks to even months, offering lifelong coverage. One of the principal factors that makes such a popular type of insurance is its flexibility.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for Disability Insurance?

Eligibility criteria for disability insurance can vary between insurers, but some general requirements include:

  • Age: You typically need to be between 18 and 60 years old to apply, with some variations depending on the policy.
  • Occupation: Higher-risk occupations may have stricter eligibility requirements or higher premiums.
  • Health: Pre-existing conditions might affect coverage or lead to exclusions. You may need to undergo a medical exam to assess your health status.
  • Employment status: Being actively employed and having a demonstrable income are usually required.

How to Buy Disability Insurance?

If you are thinking of buying disability insurance, you need to know the steps to do so. Here are the steps to consider when buying disability insurance:

Evaluate your Needs

Determine your desired income replacement percentage (typically 60-80% of pre-tax income) and benefit period (short-term vs. long-term).

Choose your Coverage Type

There are standalone policies, employer-sponsored plans, and disability riders added to existing term life insurance plan or health insurance plan.

Consider Factors Affecting Cost

Age, occupation, health, and desired benefit amount all influence premium costs.

Research and Compare Plans

Obtain quotes from different insurance companies or brokers to find the best coverage for your needs and budget.

Understand the Policy Details

Carefully review the policy terms, including definitions of disability, elimination periods (waiting time before benefits begin), and exclusions.

What Disease Disability Insurance Covers?

Disability insurance offers comprehensive coverage for various instances and diseases. Let us take a quick look at a few of them:

Short-term Disability

This coverage replaces a portion of your income (often paid weekly) if you experience a temporary illness or injury that prevents you from working for a short period (as defined by the policy).

Accidental Disability Benefits

Some policies offer a specific percentage of the sum insured in case of an accident that results in disability, depending on the policy’s accidental disability terms.

Premium Waiver

Some disability insurance plans may include a premium waiver benefit. If you become disabled and meet the policy’s definition of disability, the insurance company will waive your future premiums while you receive benefits.

What Disease Disability Insurance Does Not Cover?

Depending on the disease or cause of the accident, a disability insurance policy may include certain exclusions in its coverage. Common exclusions in disability insurance policies are as follows:

  • Disabilities arising from incarceration
  • Injuries and disabilities resulting from war or aviation accidents
  • Disabilities caused by normal pregnancy or suicide attempts
  • Loss of a professional license or occupational certificate
  • Pre-existing medical conditions

Claim Settlement Process for Disability Insurance

In the case of an incident, a family member must promptly inform the insurance company about the claim through customer care support on behalf of the insured. To process a claim for accidental permanent or partial total disability, the following documents must be submitted to the insurance company:

  • Completed and signed claim form
  • Hospital discharge summary
  • Final hospital bill
  • Disability certificate issued by a medical board
  • Medical and fitness certificate with seal and stamp (for accidental temporary or total disability)

Advantages of Disability Insurance

Disability insurance offers a safety net and financial security in the event of a disability. Here are some of the key advantages of having disability insurance:

Income Replacement

Provides a financial safety net by replacing a portion of your income if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury. This helps you maintain financial stability and cover essential expenses during a challenging time.

Maintains Your Lifestyle

Disability benefits can help you maintain your current standard of living, covering your bills, mortgage, and other ongoing expenses.

Protects Your Savings

Disability insurance prevents you from depleting your savings to cover expenses if you become disabled.

Debts and Obligations

It helps you meet your financial obligations, such as car payments, student loans, and credit card debt, even if you can’t work.

Long-term vs. Short-term

With disability insurance, you can choose coverage for short-term or long-term disabilities, depending on your needs.

Tax Benefits

In some cases, premiums paid for disability insurance may be tax-deductible (consult a tax advisor for details).

What Should You Consider Before Buying Disability Insurance?

Before you dive into buying disability insurance, you must consider factors like coverage, benefits, future insurability, etc. Here are some key factors to consider:

Your Income Needs

Analyze your monthly expenses and desired income replacement percentage (typically 60-80% of pre-tax income) to determine the benefit amount you need.

Existing Coverage

Check if your employer offers disability insurance and the extent of coverage. This can help you determine if you need additional coverage through an individual policy.


Higher-risk occupations might have limited coverage options or higher premiums.

Health Conditions

Pre-existing conditions could affect your eligibility or lead to exclusions. Be transparent about your health during the application process.

Policy Details

Carefully review the policy terms, including definitions of disability, elimination periods (waiting time before benefits begin), benefit period (length of time you receive benefits), and any exclusions.

Cost vs. Benefit

Consider the premium amount in relation to the coverage offered and the likelihood of needing it.

Future Insurability

Think about your future employment prospects and the possibility of obtaining disability insurance later if your health changes.

Own-occupation vs. Any-occupation

“Own-occupation” benefits are typically more expensive but pay out if you can’t perform your specific job. “Any-occupation” coverage is broader but pays only if you can’t work in any occupation.

Key Takeaways

  • Disability insurance safeguards income if illness or injury prevents you from working.
  • They provide 60-80% of your income after a waiting period if you meet the disability criteria.
  • There are two main types of disability insurance: short-term insurance and long-term disability insurance.
  • Disability insurance includes temporary illness, accidental disabilities and premium waivers.
  • It excludes disabilities from war, aviation accidents, normal pregnancy, suicide attempts, loss of professional license, and pre-existing conditions.


Disability insurance provides essential financial security, ensuring you can meet your obligations and maintain your lifestyle if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury. By carefully evaluating your needs, understanding the policy details, and considering factors like coverage, cost, and eligibility, you can choose the right disability insurance plan to safeguard your income and peace of mind.

FAQs on Disability Insurance


Why do I need disability insurance?

Disability insurance replaces a portion of your income if illness or injury prevents you from working. It provides financial security when you may face medical bills and other expenses.


What does disability insurance typically cover?

It covers total disability when you cannot work in any occupation and sometimes partial disability when you can work with limitations. Coverage varies by policy, so carefully review the details.


How much does disability insurance cost?

The cost depends on age, occupation, health, and desired benefit amount. Premiums can be a few hundred dollars annually, but the cost of being uninsured can be far greater.


Can I have multiple disability insurance policies?

You can stack coverage from multiple policies to reach your desired income replacement level. However, be mindful of premium costs and benefit limitations that may apply.


What is the benefit period?

The benefit period is the timeframe during which you will receive disability payments. It can range from short-term (2 years) to long-term (until you reach age 65 or retirement).


Isn’t disability insurance just for people with dangerous jobs?

No, illness is a more common cause of disability than accidents. Disability insurance is valuable for anyone who relies on their income, regardless of profession.

- A Consumer Education Initiative series by Kotak Life

Amit Raje
Written By :
Amit Raje

Amit Raje is an experienced marketer who has worked in various Fintechs and leading Financial companies in India. With focused experience in Digital, Amit has pioneered multiple digital commerce in India. Now, close to two decades later, he is the vice president and head of the D2C business department. He masters the skill of strategic management, also being certified in it from IIMA. He has challenged his challenges and contributed his efforts in this journey of digital transformation.

Amit Raje
Reviewed By :
Prasad Pimple

Prasad Pimple has a decade-long experience in the Life insurance sector and as EVP, Kotak Life heads Digital Business. He is responsible for developing user friendly product journeys, creating consumer awareness and helping consumers in identifying need for life insurance solutions. He has 20+ years of experience in creating and building business verticals across Insurance, Telecom and Banking sectors

Kotak e-Term

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Ref. No. KLI/22-23/E-BB/2435


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