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Understanding GST on Life Insurance Premium: Key Insights

Understanding GST on life insurance premiums highlights how the 18% GST rate affects various life insurance policies, increasing policyholders' overall premium costs.

  • 24,373 Views | Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

The introduction of GST has brought about several changes in the life insurance sector in India, ranging from changes in premium rates, operational processes, compliance requirements, and customer behavior. The impact of GST on life insurance has been both positive and challenging, with insurers and policyholders adapting to the new tax regime.

Key Takeaways

  • GST replaced multiple taxes with one, simplifying the tax system for insurers and policyholders.
  • It brought uniformity in tax rates across all states, making it easier to compare insurance products.
  • GST increased the scope of ITC for insurers, resulting in potential cost savings for policyholders.
  • It has encouraged insurers to invest in technology, leading to more efficient operations and enhanced customer service.
  • Policyholders should understand the applicable GST rate on their insurance products and how it impacts their overall costs.

Goods and Service Tax (GST) is an indirect tax applicable to the supply of goods and services, which was enacted on July 1, 2017, replacing a set of indirect taxes. A destination-based tax levies charges at the point of consumption of the goods or services, succeeding the origin-based tax.

One key change GST brought about is the streamlining of the taxation system. Previously, a complex web of taxes like service tax, VAT, and central excise applied to different aspects of insurance premiums, leading to confusion and increased administrative burdens. GST replaced these multiple taxes with a single tax, making it easier for policyholders to understand and calculate their tax liabilities.

How Does GST Work in Insurance?

The implementation of GST has significantly impacted insurance products and services. One of the fundamental changes is the increase in the cost of insurance premiums due to the additional GST component.

  • Insurers must charge GST on the premium amount, and policyholders must pay the total premium amount, including the tax. Moreover, insurers must comply with the GST regulations and file regular GST returns.
  • It helps maintain proper records of all insurance transactions, including the policyholders’ details, premiums collected, and GST charged.
  • It also involves submitting the same details to the tax authorities within the provided time frame. Failure to comply with the GST regulations can result in penalties and fines for insurers.
  • Policyholders should also ensure that the insurers they deal with are registered under the GST regime and comply with the GST regulations to avoid future complications.

Understanding the Influence of GST on Life Insurance Premiums

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) introduction in India has significantly impacted various sectors, including life insurance. GST has replaced multiple indirect taxes, streamlining the tax system and altering the cost structure for consumers and businesses.

Increased Cost of Premium for Policyholders

With the implementation of GST, the cost of life insurance premiums has increased. Previously, service tax was levied on life insurance premiums at a rate of 15%. Under the GST regime, this rate has been elevated to 18%, resulting in a higher financial burden for policyholders. This increase is particularly noticeable in traditional life insurance policies, where the premium constitutes a significant portion of the policyholder’s expenditure.

Impact on Different Life Insurance Policies

The impact of GST varies across different types of life insurance policies:

Term Insurance Policies: Term insurance policies, which provide pure risk coverage, have premiums that are now subject to 18% GST. This increase directly affects the affordability of term plans, especially for those seeking substantial coverage at minimal cost.

Endowment Plans and ULIPs: For endowment plans and Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs), the impact is more complex. The premiums for these policies include both investment and insurance components. GST is applied to the insurance portion of the premium. In ULIPs, GST also affects fund management charges, increasing the overall cost of the policy.

Single-Premium Policies: Single-premium policies, where the policyholder pays the entire premium amount upfront, face the full brunt of the 18% GST, making these policies significantly more expensive compared to their pre-GST era counterparts.

Impact on Compliance and Input Tax Credit

The introduction of GST has also brought changes in compliance requirements and the availability of input tax credits for insurers:

Compliance Requirements: Life insurance companies must comply with stringent GST regulations, including accurate invoicing, timely tax payment, and detailed reporting. These requirements have increased the administrative burden on insurers, necessitating robust systems to manage compliance effectively.

Input Tax Credit: Input tax credit (ITC) allows businesses to offset the GST paid on inputs against the GST liability on their outputs. In life insurance, insurers can claim ITC on certain expenses related to their business operations, such as office supplies and professional services. However, the ability to claim ITC on GST paid for services directly linked to the insurance policy (e.g., commission payments to agents) is restricted, impacting insurance companies’ overall cost structure and profitability.

GST Rates on Life Insurance Before and Now

Before implementing the Goods and Services Tax (GST), various life insurance policies were subject to service tax. However, the situation has changed post-GST. The table below compares pre-GST service tax rates and current GST rates on life insurance premiums.

Type of Life Insurance Policy

Pre-GST Tax Rate (Approx.)

Current GST Rate

Applicability of Tax

Term Insurance

15% (Service Tax + Cesses)


On the total premium amount

Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)

15% (Service Tax + Cesses)

(only on the charges levied)

18% (on charges levied)

Only on the premium and not on the invested amount

Endowment Plans (1st Year Premium)


(Service Tax + Cesses)


On the total premium amount

Endowment Plans (Subsequent Years Premium)


(Service Tax + Cesses)


On the total premium amount

Single Premium Annuity Plans



On the total premium amount

Riders Premium



On the total premium amount

How GST Differs Across Various Types of Life Insurance?

GST replaced the previous service tax regime, standardizing the tax rate across different insurance products and impacting the overall cost for policyholders.

Term Insurance

Term insurance is a straightforward life insurance product that offers pure risk coverage for a specified period. In the pre-GST era, the service tax on term insurance premiums was 15%. With the introduction of GST, the tax rate on term insurance premiums has increased to 18%. This higher tax rate directly affects the affordability of term insurance policies.

Endowment Plans

Endowment plans are life insurance policies that combine both insurance and savings components. They provide a lump sum to the policyholder either on maturity or in case of the policyholder’s demise during the policy term. Under the GST regime, the taxation of endowment plans is a bit more complex.

Single Premium Annuity Plans

Single Premium Annuity Plans require a one-time lump sum payment in exchange for regular annuity payments during the policyholder’s lifetime. The GST on single premium annuity plans is applied at a concessional rate compared to regular premiums.

Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)

Unit-linked insurance Plans (ULIPs) combine insurance with investment, allowing policyholders to invest in various market-linked funds. Given their dual nature, GST affects ULIPs in multiple ways.

  • Premium Allocation Charges: The initial charges deducted from the premium paid are subject to 18% GST.
  • Fund Management Charges: GST is also levied on fund management charges, which impacts the overall returns from the investment component.
  • Mortality Charges: The insurance component within ULIPs, known as mortality charges, attracts 18% GST.

How to Save Tax on GST Paid for Life Insurance?

You can reduce your tax liability by leveraging the payments made towards life insurance premiums. The GST on life insurance premiums is eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, allowing you to claim up to ₹1.5 lakh annually in deductions for premiums paid.

Also, under Section 80D, you can claim deductions up to ₹1 lakh annually for GST paid on health insurance premiums for yourself and your family, including your parents. Furthermore, claims received from life insurance policies are eligible for tax exemptions under Section 10(10D).

What are the Advantages of GST for Insurance Buyers?

While GST (Goods and Services Tax) implementation initially caused concerns for insurance buyers due to potential price increases, it has ultimately brought several advantages, including:

Streamlined Taxation System

One of the primary advantages of GST for insurance buyers is the simplification of the taxation system. Before GST, multiple taxes, such as service tax, VAT, and central excise, were levied on different insurance premiums.

This complex tax structure often led to confusion and increased administrative burden for insurance buyers, insurers, and intermediaries. GST has replaced multiple taxes with a single tax, making it simpler for insurance buyers to calculate and pay their taxes accurately.

Uniform Tax Treatment

Another advantage of GST for insurance buyers is the uniform tax treatment across different types of insurance policies. Before GST, other insurance policies were subjected to different tax rates.

For instance, life insurance premiums were subject to service tax, while general insurance premiums were subject to VAT. This non-uniform tax treatment often complicates determining the correct tax rate for various insurance policies.

Increased Input Tax Credit (ITC)

Input Tax Credit (ITC) allows businesses to claim credit for the taxes paid on their purchases and offset it against the taxes collected on their sales. GST has significantly increased the scope of ITC, which has resulted in cost savings for insurance buyers. Before GST, insurers could not claim credit for various taxes paid on their inputs, such as services from intermediaries, asset repair and maintenance, and office supplies.

Transparency and Compliance

GST has brought greater transparency to the insurance industry by implementing a uniform tax rate across all states. It eliminates the confusion and complexity associated with different state tax rates.

The transparency of the tax system makes it easier for insurance buyers to understand the breakdown of their premiums and the taxes involved.

Increased Investment in Technology

GST has encouraged insurance companies to invest in technology to improve operational efficiency and customer service. They must comply with the new tax regime and adapt to changing market dynamics. Insurance companies invest in digital platforms, data analytics, and other technologies to improve their products and services.

Key Considerations for Insurers and Policyholders

For insurers, staying competitive and compliant is crucial, while policyholders must make informed decisions to ensure adequate coverage and financial security.

Considerations for Insurers Regarding GST

  • Compliance: Ensure full compliance with GST regulations, including registration, accurate tax calculation and collection, timely filing of returns, and record keeping.
  • Premium Adjustment: Review and adjust premiums based on the impact of GST, ensuring transparency and fairness to policyholders.
  • Technology Upgradation: Invest in technology to automate processes, streamline administration, and enhance customer service in a GST environment.
  • Communication: Communicate the impact of GST on insurance products, premiums, and claims process to policyholders through various channels.
  • GST Impact Analysis: Regularly analyze the impact of GST on business operations, profitability, and long-term strategies.

Considerations for Policyholders Regarding GST

  • GST Rate: Understand the applicable rate on different insurance products and the impact on premiums.
  • Policy Comparison: Compare insurance products considering not only premiums but also the impact of GST on overall costs.
  • Tax Implications: Be aware of the tax implications of insurance premiums under the GST regime, especially for long-term plans.
  • Documentation: Keep accurate records of all insurance-related documents and transactions for tax purposes.
  • Claims Process: Understand the revised claims process under the GST regime and ensure timely submission of required documents.
  • Seek Clarification: If you have any doubts or concerns about GST, do not hesitate to contact the insurance provider or relevant authorities.

Wrapping it Up

Despite initial concerns, implementing GST has ultimately proven beneficial for insurance buyers. The streamlined taxation system and technological advancements have led to a more efficient and user-friendly insurance ecosystem. While some challenges remain, insurers and policyholders can work together to ensure a smooth transition and reap the full benefits of the GST regime.

FAQs about GST on life insurance premium


Can policyholders claim Input Tax Credit (ITC) on life insurance premiums?

Policyholders cannot claim Input Tax Credit (ITC) on life insurance premiums. ITC is typically available to businesses for goods and services used in the course of business operations, not for individual policyholders.


Are there any GST exemptions or reductions for certain life insurance policies?

There are no exemptions from GST for life insurance premiums. However, single premium annuity plans have a reduced GST rate of 1.8% for terms up to 10 years and slightly higher for terms exceeding 10 years.


How does GST affect life insurance policy maturity benefits or payouts?

GST does not directly affect life insurance policy maturity benefits or payouts. However, the premiums paid, including the GST component, can impact the policy’s overall cost and returns.


Do insurance companies pass on the GST benefits to policyholders?

Insurance companies include the GST component in the premium charged to policyholders. No specific GST benefits are passed on to policyholders; rather, the tax is a mandatory addition to the premium amount.


What happens if a policyholder fails to pay the GST component of the premium?

If a policyholder fails to pay the GST component of the premium, the policy may lapse or be subject to penalties and interest for late payment. Paying the full premium, including GST, is essential to keeping the policy active.


Can NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) claim a GST refund on life insurance premiums paid in India?

NRIs cannot claim a GST refund on life insurance premiums paid in India. The GST paid on such premiums is not refundable, irrespective of the policyholder’s residency status.


Are there any tax benefits on the GST paid for life insurance premiums under Section 80C or Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act?

No, there are no specific tax benefits on the GST component of life insurance premiums under Section 80C or Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act. Tax benefits apply to the premium amount paid, excluding the GST component.

- A Consumer Education Initiative series by Kotak Life

Amit Raje
Written By :
Amit Raje

Amit Raje is an experienced marketer who has worked in various Fintechs and leading Financial companies in India. With focused experience in Digital, Amit has pioneered multiple digital commerce in India. Now, close to two decades later, he is the vice president and head of the D2C business department. He masters the skill of strategic management, also being certified in it from IIMA. He has challenged his challenges and contributed his efforts in this journey of digital transformation.

Amit Raje
Reviewed By :
Prasad Pimple

Prasad Pimple has a decade-long experience in the Life insurance sector and as EVP, Kotak Life heads Digital Business. He is responsible for developing user friendly product journeys, creating consumer awareness and helping consumers in identifying need for life insurance solutions. He has 20+ years of experience in creating and building business verticals across Insurance, Telecom and Banking sectors

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